



This website was made to clearly follow the abuse not only of my elderly father but also myself by my father's 2nd wife Mary Ellen Cromwell and my brother Glen L Cromwell.  It provides indisputable documentation and proof for the authorities, attorney's, government agencies, family and public to view the timeline and documentation of such egregious abuses.  

I don't know if my father is alive or dead, if he is in hospice dying or under the care of a competent physician over 2000 miles away since September 11, 2023. My father is illegally being isolated by his wife aid and abetted by my brother.  This report documents the allegations of the egregious abuse against my father and I by his 2nd wife and my brother. My father I were/are close and he called me on average 3 times a week where we often spoke for hours until September 11, 2023. (phone call records) when my father's wife Mary Ellen Cromwell presumably with the assistance of Glen Cromwell disconnected my father's phone and has refused to tell me where his is residing, refuse to provide a phone number and refuse to tell me if he is alive or dead.