Attorney hired May 2023-Email Timeline

Below are the emails between the lawyer I hired to help me and myself.   It can more or less almost be considered a diary of the time between my father's hospitalization and when she moved him without telling to California.  I emailed this attorney countless copies of the false, misleading and inaccurate medical information my father's wife knowingly or not spread throughout my father's hospital stay putting his life at great risk.

I gave him both set of medical records.  The 2020 Neuropsychological Evaluation Report proving false many of the lies.  I told him about my father's wife's constant changing stories depending on which department and doctor she would talk to.

I patiently waited a month and tried not to bug him more than I did.  I offered over and over to pay whatever it would take to prevent my father's wife from causing my father a premature death.

I seriously don't believe he read one of my emails with supporting medical documentation.

When I hired him I told him I am tethered to my home and I could not drive to East Lansing because I was already a full time caregiver for my bed bound mother.  You can tell I was distraught and desperate for help.  I would have paid anyone to listen to me and examine the medical records.  The level of abuse was off the charts.  I told him I would pay whatever if he had to hire a team to assist me.  I was in a panic and trying to stay calm.  He did nothing and I felt defeated and distraught.  I became angry that there was no easy way to help my father.

I requested twice in august for a copy of the billable hours and he never answered me.

