False Adv Alzheimer’s Medical Misinformation Spread

My father’s wife has put my father’s life at great risk.  AT NO TIME WAS MY FATHER DIAGNOSED WITH ADVANCED ALZHEIMERS.  Only a specialist and brain scans can determine if a person is suffering from ADVANCED ALZHEIMERS.  At no time did my father have symptoms of Advanced Alzheimer’s.  Advanced Alzheimer’s is the same as Late Stage Alzheimer’s.

There are no words to describe the level of incompetency of Sparrow Hospital, Lansing during my father’s hospitalization.  It is impossible to suffer from Advance Alzheimer’s without abnormal brain shrinkage seen in a structural brain scan.  The May 9th and 10th 2023 CT Scan of my father clearly shows my father suffers zero abnormal Brain Atrophy or Shrinkage thus my father did not and was not suffering from Advanced Alzheimer’s.  In fact my father has a healthier brain than most men his age.  (only moderate age related volume loss) If any atrophy or shrinkage was seen it was age related NORMAL.  Yet the hospital allowed the multiple spreading of false medical information by my fathers wife to continue and did nothing to stop it after I sent them the evidence.  I have experienced over 14 unplanned hospitalizations with my mother and I have seen egregious mistakes made that would blow your mind.  What I witnessed through my father’s official medical records is a level of elder abuse I never imagined could be allow to happen in America.

I have no explanation why she would lie to only 2 doctors during his hospitalization, changing her story from the original intake story.  My father was NEVER diagnosed with Advanced Alzheimer’s years ago as Mary Ellen Cromwell attested in fact it was ruled out 2.5 years earlier by Dr. Huffman 2020 during his neuropsychological exam.   When the timeline of my father’s hospital stay is examined you will see she meticulously used this false diagnosis for only 2 doctors.  The 2 doctors that attested to his incapacitation allowing her to falsely obtain a DPOA of healthcare over my father thus electing hospice and lying to me in the face about it on May 17th.   WHO DOES THIS?