March 2022 – Illegal Interfering with Medical Decisions


I have been concerned the last 5 years of my father's sub-standard Heath Care for  a man in his 80's.  One look at our phone record log will tell anyone that we were close, spoke often and for a considerable long time.

I have been navigating the healthcare system for over 30 years for my mother.  My father told me his wife was obsessed with memory loss but that he had her under control and he simply ignored her and it was no big deal about 3 years ago. He could not have been further from the truth.

My father valued my opinion.  For his 2004 Prostate Surgery he was forever grateful I was able to steer him to Dr. Sanda of the University of Michigan for a nerve sparing prostatectomy instead of the usual antiquated surgery at the local hospital of full removable.  He was very grateful for Dr. Sanda and followed his career, emailing me in 2015.

Obviously my father wanted me involved with knowing his health status otherwise why would he give me copies of his medical records.

My father started to complain about a "balance and speech" issues late 2021.  About the time the increase above FDA guidelines of 30 mg was giving to my father by his primary care physician (In my 30 years experience he was an incompetent pcp and put my father's life at great risk for years, Dr. Perry of McLaren health.)  Who by the way was also his wife's pcp causing a possible conflict of interest allowing her negative undue influence to harm my father.  For most elderly in American when there is possible memory or cognitive issues the first thing done is a $300 to $400 CT Scan to rule out structural abnormal shrinkage.  Apparently Mary Ellen could not allow this because it would mess up her plan of removing my father from the earth sooner than he needed to be. (my father's may 9th Sparrow hospital Ct Scans showed no abnormal shrinkage or arterial stenosis)

I finally convinced my father on March 1, 2022 to attend with me a University of Michigan appointment with a Neurologist to get the structural and functional brain scans needed to obtain  a specialist diagnosis.  The standard of care for America's Seniors on Medicare.  My father was clear thinking and told me he was making his own health care decisions and that he would like to see a specialist at University of Michigan to rule out all possible reason for his "balance and speech" issue.  I attest to the fact that my father did not have a memory issue nothing more than what I could be accused as having since the age of 30.  His wife would only say that my father's pcp said my father had dementia.  The neuropsychologist he saw in 2020 only make a 1st impression of possible vascular dimension (proven not to be by the lack of stenosis found in the may 9 ct scan) only because he was on the statin Zocor assuming he had a cardiologist issue.  My father's pcp never referred my father to a cardiologist leading me to believe his doctor knew it could not be vascular dementia.  Because my father comes from good genetics and the pattern and timing of his issues correlate perfectly with the inappropriate prescribed Galantamine above FDA guidelines for a disease he simply did not have.   I had been doing research on cognitive decline in the elderly, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

If my father's wife did not illegally interfere (MCL 700.558) with my fathers wish to see a neurologist at University of Michigan March 2022, my father most likely would be riding his bike and downhill skiing in the mountains.

My father knew I was suffering anxiety over his lack of good health care and it was affecting my health.  For whatever the reason he agreed to attend a UofM appointment with me where I would drive to Okemos, pick him up and take him to Ann Arbor, bring him home and not bother Mary Ellen Cromwell with it at all.  I would have had to hire a Home Health Agency worker with specialized skill to care for my complicated bed bound mother to do this but it was so very important my father get at least the standard of care in America.

What you see below is a 2nd wife with a plan dare I say of pushing a premature death upon my father.  What other explanation could there be?  What 2nd wife "bully's" the beloved biological daughter of her husband and cancel's a hard-to-get neurologist appointment at the best institution in Michigan?  For what reason would Mary Ellen Cromwell think it would not be good for my father to get brain scans and see a neurologist at University of Michigan?  My father has plenty of money if he had to private pay.  What does Mary Ellen Cromwell have to defend her actions?

Ironically I did not get the personal email until a year later in late May when I did a search in my archives.  I only read the copies of her replies to University of Michigan.  If I would have read the personal email she sent me that you see below a year earlier you can bet I would have had the authorities all over her butt for bullying my father and illegally making health care decisions where she CLEARLY AND LEGALLY had no right.  MCL 700.5508.  How do we know she illegally canceled his appointment?  Because on May 11th 2023 she actual did using a false diagnosis incapacitate my father by lying to 2 doctors who attested to this.     Thus allowing her for the first time ever to make medical decisions for my father.  If you don't believe me look it up folks.  The laws are clear.

