
My name is Cynthia Cromwell and I am the biological daughter of Robert F. Cromwell (Bob).  I am a full-time caregiver for my mother in St. Joseph, Michigan since 2008.

I am having an impossible time trying to finish the whole timeline of abuse.  Since May I have started over 50 times to write the complaint and to describe in detail the multiple Elder Abuse Violations my father's wife has committed.  I beg anyone to help me.  I would pay someone to help me organize my thoughts during this time of despair and to help me get my story out to the public and to the Adult Protection Services in California and Michigan.

Below is one of the unfinished documents before my father's wife caused me to go into shock on September 9th when she abducted my father behind my back and against his desire and moved him to California.  I assume she did this like all the other illegal actions in secrecy hoping no one would find out. I have no other options but to believe she has been attempting to activate a plan for her to move to California with her son without my father but with their whole estate.  My father wanted to leave her on May 24th (see phone call records and over $700 spent on bed, mattress, sheets etc on the evening of May 24)(see also the text sent to Glen Cromwell on May 24) but she used her undue influence and illegally obtained DPOA to prevent him from leaving.  I have no other options due to the secrecy that my father's wife is well aware of the multiple criminal and civil elder abuse laws and wanted to get far away as possible before I could submit the evidence to the proper authorities.  Her son Eric Fallon who lives in La Jolla San Diego, CA is married to the sister of the DA of San Diego and under her office is where Elder Abuse prosecutions are done.

I hired an attorney in June (see all emails sent to attorney) and he was given all the evidence but he did nothing and allowed my father's wife to illegally continue to force my father into hospice and move him across state lines.   Again, it is a very unfinished document.  For 4 months I have been unable to finish the complaint and need all the help I can get.  I am dying a slow death and not sure how much longer I can continue to live with the mental anguish, grief, abuse, pain and suffering of not know if my father is alive or dead all the time caring 24 hours a day for a bed bound extremely disabled mother.